“In your light I learn how to love.
In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest,
where no one sees you.” -Rumi
"With the Beloved's water of life, no illness remains
In the Beloved's rose garden of union, no thorn remains.
They say there is a window from one heart to another
How can there be a window where no wall remains?"
“God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites, so that you will have two wings to fly, not one.”
cantik blog...
Assalamualaikum my beloved sister
Its such a wonderful feeling to open up my daily digest of pearls of wisdom and read all the beautiful msgs on yr blog, it brings warmth to my heart and smile to my face SubhanAllah, Alhamdullillah, Allahu Akbar.
Just to drop by to say I love you for the sake of Allah (swt). Take care my dear, May Allah (swt) reward you all for your efforts and May He protects you n family frm harm InshaAllah:)
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