Collection of some pearls of wisdom from various authentic and reliable sources to reach the stars
In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Welcome to pearls to reach the stars.
Pearls and stars are metaphors. The pearls are very precious, highly valued things and stars indicate a category of excellence. Thus,the aims of Pearls to Reach the Stars are to stimulate our inner feelings, our minds and arouse our spirit in order that our speech, actions and thoughts are reflected positively, optimistically and virtuously as true muslims who are close to God. The collection of some pearls of wisdom from various authentic and reliable sources to reach the stars like motivational quotes, inspirational phrases , poems, aesthetic expressions, for inner stimulation to become a worthy person. May God forgive us and place us in the group of people who have good intentions, who love and help each other for the sake of Him and may Allah place us in the group of As-habul Yamin on the Day of Judgment in the hereafter. Ameen.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Imam Shafi’i And His Teacher, Imam Malik Bin Anas

Imam Shafi’i And His Teacher,
Imam Malik Bin Anas
Ustaz Syed Hasan Alatas
Translation by
Syed Abdul Rahman Al-'Idrus
Imam Malik was extremely happy to get a student who was so clever and so intelligent as Shafi’i. Since his childhood, Shafi’i did not only memorise the whole of Al-Quran, but also thousands of Hadith Rasulullah S.A.W. In fact he had also memorised the whole of the book Muatta’, which was a collection of Hadiths written by the master teacher Imam Malik himself, prior to meeting his master.
As a true example of self-management, Imam Shafi’I organised his nights into three parts:
o One third of the night for seeking knowledge;
o One third of the night for prayers;
o One third of the night for sleep.
A narrator by the name of Rabi’ used to explain that Imam Shafi’i regularly recited the complete Al-Quran daily, and in the month of Ramadhan he put in more efforts by completely reciting the whole of Al-Quran sixty times for the whole month during his prayers.
Imam Shafi’i himself explained that he never swore throughout his life, whether to affirm or to deny anything. On one occasion someone asked him a problem. He kept quiet for a while, without answering the question. When he was asked why he did so, he answered: "I waited first, until I know which is better, to keep quiet or to answer your question." This indicated how careful he was in offering an answer to any one who brought a problem to him.
He was quoted to have informed others on himself: "One day I had no money, while I was desirous of seeking knowledge. Then I went to work in a hall to earn my keep." This showed that Imam Shafi’i did not lie idol when confronted with financial difficulties, especially while pursuing his studies but he was willing to work and earn whatever is halal (permissible), as long as he achieved his ambition.
Imam Ghazali was quoted to have mentioned that Imam Shafi’i was also an important personality practising the life of a Sufi. He was a person of the utmost Taqwa , who did not like to pride himself in whatever way.
In relation to Sufism, Imam Shafi’i said: "I would like men to learn this discipline, but do not quote my name, with even a single word."
The best of the best

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told us:
1. "The best of the Muslims is he from whose hand and tongue the Muslims are safe." [Muslim]
2. "The best of people are those with the most excellent character." [Tabarâni, Sahîh]
3. "The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind." [Dâraqutni, Hasan]
4. "The best of people are those who are best in fulfilling [rights]." [Ibn Mâjah, Sahîh]
5. "The best of people during fitnah is a man who takes up the reins of his horse pursuing the enemies of Allah, causing them fear yet they make him fearful too, or a man who secludes himself in the desert fulfilling the rights of Allah upon him." [Hâkim, Sahîh]
6. "The best of mankind is my generation, then those that follow them and then those that follow them. Then there shall come a people after them who will become avaricious, who will love gluttony, and who will give witness before they are asked for it." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh]
7. "The best of people are those who live longest and excel in their deeds, whereas the worst of people are those who live longest and corrupt their deeds." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh]
8. "The best of women are those that please him [her husband] when he sees her, obeys him when she is commanded, and who does not secretly betray him with regards to herself and her money in that which he dislikes." [Ahmad, Sahîh]
9. "The best of women are those that please you when you see them, obey you when commanded, and who safeguard themselves and your money in your absence." [Tabarâni, Sahîh]
10. "The best of marriages are the easiest ones." [Abu Dâwûd, Sahîh]
11. "The best of your dates is the Borniyyû date; it expels disease yet does not contain any disease itself." [Hâkim, Hasan]
12. "The best of your garments are those which are white; shroud your dead in them and clothe your living with them. The best of that which you apply to your eyelids is antimony causing the eyelashes to grow and sharpening the eyesight." [Ibn Hibbân, Sahîh]
13. "The best quality of your religion is scrupulousness." [Hâkim, Sahîh]
14. "The best of your religion is that which is easiest." [Ahmad, Sahîh]
15. "The best of the prayer lines for men are the first rows, the worst being the final rows. The best of the prayer lines for women are the final rows and the worst are the first rows." [Muslim]
16. "The best prayers for women are those performed in the most secluded parts of their houses." [Ibn Khuzaymah, Sahîh]
17. "The best of you in Islam are those who are most excellent in character as long as you deeply understand the religion." [Ahmad, Sahîh]
18. "The best of you are the best of you in fulfilling [rights]." [Ahmad, Sahîh]
19. "The best of you are those who are best to their families, and I am the best of you to my family." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh]
20. "The best of you are my generation, then those that follow them and then those that follow them. Then there shall come after them a people who will betray and be untrustworthy, will give witness even though they have not been asked to, will make vows yet will not fulfil them and obesity will appear amongst them." [Bukhâri]
21. "The best of you are those who feed others and return greetings." [Abu Ya'lâ, Hasan]
22. "The best of you is he from whom good is anticipated and safety from his evil is assured; the worst of you is he from whom nothing good is expected and one is not safe from his evil." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh]
23. "The best thing mankind has been given is excellent character." [Hâkim, Sahîh]
24. "The best of that which you treat yourself with is cupping." [Hâkim, Sahîh]
25. "The best of journeys undertaken are to this Mosque of mine and the Ancient House." [Ahmad, Sahîh]
26. "The best of which man can leave behind for himself are three: a righteous child who supplicates for him, an ongoing charity whose reward continues to reach him and knowledge which others benefit from after him." [Ibn Hibbân, Hasan]
27. "The best Mosques for women are the most secluded parts of their houses." [Bayhaqi, Sahîh]
28. "The best of the world's women are four: Maryum bint 'Imrân, Khadîjah bint Khuwaylid, Fâtimah bint Muhammad and Âsiyah the wife of Fir'awn." [Ahmad, Sahîh]
29. "The best of days that you should perform cupping are the 17th, 19th and 21st of the month. I did not pass a single gathering of angels on the night of Isrâ' except that they would say to me, 'O Muhammad, perform cupping!'" [Ahmad, Sahîh]
30. "The best day on which the Sun has risen is Friday; on it Âdam was created, on it Âdam was made to enter Paradise and on it he was expelled. The Hour will not be established except on Friday." [Muslim]
31. "Verily, the best of perfume for men is that which is strong in smell and light in colour, and the best of perfume for women is that which is strong in colour and light in smell." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh]
32. "The most beloved of religions according to Allah the Most High is the 'easy and flexible religion.'" [Ahmad, Hasan]
33. "The most beloved of deeds according to Allah are the continuous ones, even if they are little." [Agreed upon]
34. "The most beloved of names according to Allah are 'Abd Allah, 'Abd'l-Rahmân and Hârith." [Abu Ya'lâ, Sahîh]
35. "The most beloved of deeds according to Allah are the prayer in its right time, then to treat the parents in an excellent manner, and then Jihâd in the path of Allah." [Agreed upon]
36. "The most beloved of deeds according to Allah is that you die and yet your tongue is still moist from the remembrance of Allah." [Ibn Hibbân, Hasan]
37. "The most beloved words according to Allah the Most High are four: Subhânallah, Alhamdulillâh, Lâ ilâha illallah and Allahu Akbar; there is no problem with which one you start with." [Muslim]
38. "The most beloved of speech according to Allah is when the servant says, 'Subhânallahi wa bihamdihî' [How Transcendent is Allah and we praise him!]." [Muslim]
39. "The most beloved of speech according to Allah the Most High is that which Allah chose for his Angels: Subhâna Rabbî wa bihamdihî, Subhâna Rabbî wa bihamdihî, Subhâna Rabbî wa bihamdihî." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh]
40. "The most beloved of people according to Allah is he who brings most benefit, and the most beloved of deeds according to Allah the Mighty, the Magnificent, is that you bring happiness to a fellow Muslim, or relieve him of distress, or pay off his debt or stave away hunger from him. It is more beloved to me that I walk with my brother Muslim in his time of need than I stay secluded in the mosque for a month. Whoever holds back his anger, Allah will cover his faults and whoever suppresses his fury while being able to execute it, Allah will fill his heart with satisfaction on the Day of Standing. Whoever walks with his brother Muslim in need until he establishes that for him, Allah will establish his feet firmly on the day when all feet shall slip. Indeed, bad character ruins deeds just as vinegar ruins honey." [Tabarâni, Hasan]
41. "The most beloved of people to me is 'Â'ishah and from the men, Abu Bakr." [Agreed upon]
42. "The best of people in recitation are those who when they recite, you see that they fear Allah." [Bayhaqi, Sahîh]
43. "The best of your leaders are those that you love and they love you, you supplicate for them and they supplicate for you. The worst of your leaders are those that you hate and they hate you, you curse them and they curse you." [Muslim]
44. "The best of you are those who are best in paying off their debts." [Tahâwi, Sahîh]
45. "The best of you are those with the longest lives and most excellent character." [Bazzâr, Sahîh]
46. "The best of you are those with the longest lives and best in action." [Hâkim, Sahîh]
47. "The best of you are those with the softest shoulders during prayer." [Bayhaqi, Hasan]
48. "The best of you are those who are best to their wives." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh]
49. "The best of you are those who are best to their families." [Tabarâni, Sahîh]
50. "The best of you during the 'Period of Ignorance' are the best of you in Islam as long as they deeply understand the religion." [Bukhâri]
51. "The best of you are those who learn the Qur'ân and teach it." [Dârimi, Sahîh]
52. "The best of companions according to Allah are those who are best to their companion and the best of neighbours according to Allah are those that are best to their neighbour." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh]
53. "The best of places are the Mosques and the worst of places are the markets." [Tabarâni, Hasan]
54. "The best supplication on the Day of 'Arafah and the best thing that I and the Prophets before me ever said was, 'Lâ ilâha illAllah wahdahû lâ sharîka lahû, lahû'l-mulk wa lahû'l-hamd wa huwa 'alâ kulli shay'in Qadîr.'" [Tirmidhî, Hasan]
55. "The best of provision is that which suffices." [Ahmad in 'Zuhd', Hasan]
56. "The best testimony is when one gives it before he is asked to do so." [Tabarâni, Sahîh]
57. "The best of dowries are the easiest." [Hâkim, Sahîh]
58. "The best of charity is that which still leaves you self-sufficient for the upper hand is better than the lower hand; start with those you are responsible for." [Tabarâni, Sahîh]
59. "The best of gatherings are those that are most open." [Abu Dâwûd, Sahîh]
60. "The most beloved deed according to Allah is to have faith in Allah, then to maintain the ties of kinship, and then to command to good and forbid the wrong. The most abhorrent of deeds according to Allah is to associate partners with Him, then to cut the ties of kinship." [Abu Ya'lâ, Hasan]
61. "The most beloved Jihâd according to Allah is that a word of truth be spoken to a tyrant ruler." [Tabarâni, Hasan]
62. "The most beloved word according to me is that which is most truthful." [Bukhâri]
63. "The most beloved fast according to Allah is the fast of Dâwûd; he would fast every alternate day. The most beloved prayer according to Allah is the prayer of Dâwûd; he would sleep half the night, stand a third and then sleep for a sixth." [Agreed upon]
64. "The most beloved dish according to Allah is that which most hands feed from." [Ibn Hibbân, Hasan]
65. "The most beloved servant of Allah is he who is most beneficial to his dependents." [Zawâ'id al-Zuhd, Hasan]
66. "The best of earnings is that of the labourer as long as he tries his best." [Ahmad, Hasan]
67. "The best of all deeds is to have faith in Allah alone, then Jihâd and then an accepted Hajj; they surpass all other deeds like the distance between the rising and setting of the Sun." [Ahmad, Sahîh]
68. "The best of all deeds is the Prayer at its earliest time." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh]
69. "The best of all deeds is the Prayer in its right time, to treat the Parents honourably and Jihâd in the path of Allah." [al-Khatîb, Sahîh]
70. "The best of all deeds is that you bring happiness to your Muslim brother, pay off his debt or feed him bread." [Ibn Adiyy, Hasan]
71. "The best of faith is patience and magnanimity." [Ahmad, Sahîh]
72. "The best of days according to Allah is Friday." [Bayhaqi, Sahîh]
73. "The best of Jihâd is that man strives against his soul and desires." [Daylami, Sahîh]
74. "The best Hajj is that with the most raised voices and flowing blood." [Tirmidhî, Hasan]
75. "The best of supplications is that of on the Day of 'Arafah, and the best thing that was said by myself and the Prophets before me was, "Lâ ilâha illallah wahdahû lâ sharîka lahû." [There is nothing worthy of worship except Allah alone, He has no partners.] [Mâlik, Hasan]
76. "The best of dinars are: the dinâr spent by a man upon his dependents, the dinâr spent by a man upon his horse in the path of Allah and the dinâr spent by a man upon his companions in the path of Allah, the Mighty, the Magnificent." [Muslim]
77. "The best word of remembrance is: Lâ ilâha illallah and the best supplication is: Alhamdulillâh." [Tirmidhî, Hasan]
78. "The best word of remembrance is: Lâ ilâha illallah and the best [expression of giving] thanks is: Alhamdulillâh." [Baghawi, Hasan]
79. "The best of hours are those deep in the latter part of the night." [Tabarâni, Sahîh]
80. "The best of all martyrs are those who fight in the front line; they do not turn their faces away until they are killed. They will be rolling around in the highest rooms of Paradise, their Lord laughing at them - when your Lord laughs at a servant, there is no accounting for him." [Ahmad, Sahîh]
81. "The best of all martyrs is he whose blood is shed and whose horse is slaughtered." [Tabarâni, Sahîh]
82. "The best of all charity is the shade of a canopy [provided] in the path of Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent, to gift ones servant in the path of Allah and to gift ones she-camel in the path of Allah." [Ahmad, Hasan]
83. "The best of all charity is that which is given to the relative that harbours enmity against you." [Ahmad, Sahîh]
84. "The best of all charity is that you give it while you are healthy and desirous [of that money], hoping to become wealthy but fearing poverty. Don't delay until you are about to breathe your last and then you say, 'This is for 'so and so' and this is for 'so and so'', for indeed, it has already been written that 'so and so' would receive that." [Abu Dâwûd, Sahîh]
85. "The best of all charity is when the one with little strives to give; start with those you are responsible for." [Hâkim, Sahîh]
86. "The best charity is to provide water." [Ibn Mâjah, Hasan]
87. "The best prayer after the obligatory ones is the prayer in the depth of the night, and the best fast after the month of Ramadhân is the month of Allah, Muharram." [Muslim]
88. "The best prayer is the prayer of the man in his home except for the obligatory prayer." [Nasâ'î, Sahîh]
89. "The best prayer is that with the longest standing." [Muslim]
90. "The best of all prayers according to Allah is the Friday morning prayer in congregation." [Ibn Nu'aym, Sahîh]
91. "The best fast is the fast of my brother Dâwûd; he would fast every alternate day and he would never flee [the battlefront] when the armies would meet." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh]
92. "The best of all fasts after Ramadhân is in the month that you call Muharram." [Nasâ'î, Sahîh]
93. "The best of all worship is supplication." [Hâkim, Sahîh]
94. "The best deed is the prayer in its right time and Jihâd in the path of Allah." [Bayhaqi, Sahîh]
95. "The best of the Qur'ân is: "Alhamdulillâhi Rabb'l-'Âlamîn". [Hâkim, Sahîh]
96. "The best of earnings is a blessed sale and that which a man earns with his hands." [Ahmad, Sahîh]
97. "The best of the Believers is the most excellent of them in character." [Ibn Mâjah, Sahîh]
98. "The best of the Believers with respect to Islam is the one from whose hand and tongue the Muslims are safe; and the best of the Believers with respect to Îmân are the most excellent of them in character; and the best of those who migrate is he who migrates from that which Allah the Most High has prohibited; and the best of Jihâd is when one strives against his soul for the sake of Allah, the Mighty, the Magnificent." [Tabarâni, Sahîh]
99. "The best of mankind is the believer between two honourable persons." [Tabarâni, Sahîh]
100. "The best of all days in the world are the ten days [of Dhul Hijjah]." [Bazzâr, Sahîh]
The lowest rank in Paradise

Abdullah ibn Mas`ood (RA) narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said: "I know the last person who will come out of Hell and the last one to enter the Paradise. A man comes out crawling and Allah (SWT) says: Go, enter the Paradise. Then he approaches it and it appears to him as if filled, then he returns back and says: O Allah, I found it full. Then Allah says: Go, enter the Paradise. He approaches it and it appears to him as if filled. He then returns back and says: O Allah, I found it to be full. Allah says to him: Go, enter Paradise, you have what is equal to the whole world and ten folds (or, you have what is equal to ten times this world). He then says: "O Allah, are you mocking me (or laughing at me) while You are the King?" Ibn Mas`ood said: I saw the Prophet, (SAW) laugh till his molar teeth were seen. Abdullah stated that the Prophet (SAW) said: "That is the lowest rank of those in the Paradise." [Al Bukhari and Muslim]
In the Hadith narrated by Ibn Mas`ood and the Hadith narrated by Abu Saeed al Khudri, is the story of the man of the tree, who is in the lowest rank of Paradise. Allah reminds him, beseech such and such. When he says all and has nothing more to beg, Allah says: That is for you with ten folds more. Then he enters his house where his two wives of black and white eyed Hoor al`Ein came to him and say: We thank Allah who brought you alive to us and brought us alive to you. Then
he says: No person is given like what I have been given." [Muslim]
Al Mughira ibn Shu`ba narrated that the Prophet(SAW) said:
"Musa (AS) asked Allah(SWT): Who is of the lowest rank among those of Paradise? He said: He is a man who comes after those of Paradise have been entered into it." Then it is said to him, "Enter Paradise." He says: O my Rabb Allah, how could I? People had already taken their places and got their grants? He is then told: Will you be satisfies if you have the possessions of a king of the world. He says: I am satisfied O my Rabb. Then Allah says: that is for you, and
like it, and a like, and a like, and a like." For the fifth he says `I am pleased O my Rabb'. Allah says: this is for you and like it ten folds, and also whatever you like and what pleases your eyes. The man says: I am pleased O my Rabb!." [Muslim]
Remember the order to lower your gaze

Remember the order to lower your gaze
As the heat gets hotter…. as the sun gets brighter
As they take it all off…. as their 'burden' gets lighter
When you feel the temptation as they roam half naked
When you think for sure that you just can't make it
Remember O Muslim the perfect instructions
Remember not to give in to those temptations
Through the lure, the enticement and through the haze
Remember the order… lower your gaze
Don't go to such places….don't go to the beaches
Remember the lessons ....remember what Islam teaches
Don't sit idle in the street nor visit the mall
When you know they are going to bare it all
Now, I know it isn't easy….. its hard not to stare
Its difficult to look away when its all there
But, don't feed your lust, nor set it ablaze
Remember the order…. to lower your gaze
What's the harm in it, they say. It's nothing but fun!
If I look at some bodies bathing in the sun!
A lustful look towards the opposite gender
Is all that it takes to set off the trigger
It leads to sin and abomination
It paves the way for fornication
Don't take it so lightly, don't think it's a phase
Remember the order…. to lower your gaze
Watch out for that arrow….the arrow from Satan
The one you're warned about….laden with poison
The arrow that is aimed towards your very heart
When it reaches its target, it leaves a black mark
It infects your heart and leaves it vulnerable
for Satan to take over and do as he is able
Recall the Prophet's words for he told no lies
"Looking at something forbidden is the zinaa of the eyes."
Don't look at anything haraam, that's what he said
So when temptation passes by…..just turn away your head
Just lower your gaze…..don't give that second look
For you never know when you get caught by the hook
A lustful glance….then the talk …..then the meeting
You know what comes next….after all the flirting
Fornication is major. "Don't even come near it."
It starts with that first look, every Muslim should fear it
So lower your gaze…. don't look at haraam
Strive for good deeds….they work like a charm
If you are able then do get married
That's what the Prophet alaihis-salaam instructed
Keep voluntary fasts….they will make you strong
Being a good Muslim, you surely can't go wrong
A part of his character is the Muslim's gaze
So fear Allaah as you spend these summer days
Ask Allaah to help you….you'll find Him there
And never underestimate the power of prayer
Not only in the streets, remember O Muslim
Lower your gaze when watching television
The shows….the sitcoms…..the underwear ads
The suggestive scenes….the fashions and the fads
Day in and day out, we watch haraam and yet….
when 'Baywatch' comes on, we don't turn off the set
Did you forget the Day when Allaah will ask you
of every look you cast….every glance you threw
So where will you hide….what will you do
That Day your eyes will witness against you
Remember, the beauty of this world is temporary
The question is then….will you be able to carry
Your head up high in front of the Almighty
When you stand on a Day, so long so dreary?
You are the best Ummah….the Model Community
Custodians of Truth…Upholders of Morality
So fight the Shaytaan, stop him in his wickedness
Lower your gaze, ask for Allaah's forgiveness
And thank Allaah O Muslim and realize
The greatest blessing is a pair of eyes
Don't use it to disobey Him, don't earn His Displeasure
For you will be asked what you did with this treasure
It is not too late….to repent….to amend
Start now….by lowering your gaze my friend
"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty. That is purer for them. Verily, Allaah is All-Aware of what they do. Say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty...O you who believe! Turn you all together towards Allah that you may attain success." (Surah Nur:30,31).
Measure of Sincerity

He who wishes that people always remember him with goodness is neither God-fearing nor sincere.
Ibrahim bin Adham
Since I understood four things, I have discarded all other knowledge.
1.First, that my daily sustenance has already been apportioned to me and will neither increase nor decrease by my futile efforts, so I strive to increase it no more.
2.Second, I alone and no one else can atone for my sins, so I devote myself to the Lord.
3.Third, I know that I will never be able to escape death, which is in our pursuit, so I have prepared myself to meet him.
4.Fourth, I know that God is observing me; therefore I restrain from doing what I must not do.”
Imam Haatim al-Asamm
Virtues of Knowledge

Abu Nu’aym reports some sayings of Mu`aadh bin Jabal about the excellence of knowledge, among which we find the following:
“Knowledge is a comforting friend in times of loneliness, it is the best companion during travels, and it is the inner friend who speaks to you in your privacy. Knowledge is the discerning proof of what is right and what is wrong, and it is the positive force that will help you surmount the trials of comfort, as well as those of hardships. Knowledge is your most powerful sword against your enemy, and finally, it is your most dignifying raiment in the company of your close companions. Through knowledge, Allah, blessed be His Name, raises some people in rank, and He makes them leaders in righteousness and models in morality. The vestige of their faith is avidly sought, their deeds are emulated perceptively, and people will seek and sanction their opinions solicitously and unequivocally. The heavenly angels seek their company and anoint them with their wings, every fresh or withered life they pass by implore Almighty Allah to forgive them their sins, even the fish in the oceans, the beasts of the lands and every bird of prey and migratory bird pray and solicit the mercy of Almighty Allah on their behalf. This is because knowledge revives the dead hearts and drives them out of darkness into light, and because knowledge is the light of the inner eyes that cures one’s blindness and restores his inner sight”