Shaqique Ibne Ibrahim rahmatullahi alayh says: People seem to agree with me when they say that they believe in four things, but their actions belie what they claim to believe:-
1 They say that they are slaves (bondsmen) of Allah Ta’ala, but their actions betray that they regard themselves to be freemen;
2 They say that Allah Ta’ala has taken upon Himself the responsibility to give us our sustenance, but they never rest content until they hoard enough of worldly provisions;
3 They say that akhirah (Hereafter) is preferable to this world, but they are ever engaged in amassing wealth, and are least concerned about akhirah.
4 They say that death is inevitable, but they are absorbed in worldly activities as though they were to live here forever.
(Tanbeehul Ghaafileen)
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